Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Amazing Twisty Spine

I love doing spinal twists.  The benefits from doing spinal twists have been one the best things that Yoga has given me.    The release that I get from lying, seated and standing twists feels wonderful.   If my lower back is sore , a twist is just the right medicine.  Lying on my back, crossing one knee over the other and then twisting is a great release.    My range of motion is so much greater then when I started practicing Yoga, and my posture is more upright.   Twisting has been a great boon to my life.

Such a great release!!

What a great creation the human spine is.  It has three separate sections  (cervical, thorasic, lumbar plus the sacrum)  that combined allow human beings to stand erect, to walk, to swim, and to bend.   It allows us to  have a huge range of motion:  a flexible spine can bend 35 degrees laterally (sideways) , 30 degrees backwards (extension)  and 75 degrees forwards (flexion).  The spine can twist and bend to allow us to do the normal and sometimes abnormal activities that life demands from us.   It can, however, also be a source of great discomfort if we do not take care of it.    Many older and even younger adults live with chronic back pain either from spinal or muscular issues in their backs.    One of the reasons I started practicing was to prevent the periodic injuries and the continual pain that I had in my back.  

I follow the mantra of "Good Spine,  Good Life", because if you have spinal or back issues,  your life can be miserable.     While I sometimes have soreness in my lower back, I generally feel good with my range of motion and my ability to comfortably turn and bend.     Most days I do a 15 minute series of spinal and back muscle exercises that works on all different directions using  bends and twists.    I have built this routine up over time and always start my yoga practice with the series.   If I am busy,  have done a long walk, or I am just too unmotivated to do a full hour of practice,  I sometimes just do this routine.     It works well of me and I continually add new poses when I find something new that works well. 

There are many twists out there for us to use.   It is great for our backs and for our lives.  


Good Spine, Good Life...