Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Fifth Anniversay Post: What a long unstrange trip it's been.

I am not one for endurance,  so I am amazed   that I have been writing this blog for five years.   I am also amazed that almost seven years ago I decided to start practicing Yoga and that I am still practicing.  What is most  amazing is that I have practiced Yoga with an intensity that astounds me.    In my past,  I would flow in and out of exercise routines.   That has never happened with Yoga.    I have barely missed a day in my practice. 

In those seven years I have been able to again touch my feet,  do a headstand,  balance in ways I never thought possible, and increase my  flexibility everywhere.      What is more important is that I have taken control of my health by focusing more of my life on exercise and diet.    Living a mostly Vegan lifestyle with daily exercise of walking,  Yoga , and hiking has done wonders not only for my body but for my spirit as well.

This blog was written as a way to share my experiences in the hope that it gives others incentive to follow a similar path.    It has not been difficult to take control of my health.   I love Yoga, I love hiking,  and I love what I eat.  It only takes discipline and focus to bring this about.   

It is easier than you think.


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