Monday, June 4, 2018

Yoga Weekend Learning / Anatomy Workshop

I recently (June 1 through June 3 2018) spent a long weekend at the Asheville Yoga Center in Asheville, North Carolina taking an intensive workshop on Anatomy and Yoga.    I am required to have 30 continuing education hours over three years to keep up my Yoga certification (along with 50 hours of teaching).  The class I took provided me with 13 hours toward that certification. 

I have been thinking about a Yoga getaway for quite a while and I wanted that time to be about learning and not relaxation.  I decided early on that I did not want a vacation.   I had investigated going away a weekend of just practice and other activities but this were not really what I wanted.   Many of these weekends felt like going to a spa and in many cases were quite expensive.

Two sisters who attended the workshop called what we did a "Yocation".   You take time away from your lives to focus on Yoga.  I really like that description.

I have a great desire to learn as much as possible about how the body works and especially how the body moves when practicing Yoga.  This is the reason why I decided to take this training.  It is my opinion that, as a Yoga instructor,  I should have good level of knowledge about what muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments are being stretched or strengthened when in a pose or moving into and out of a pose.  This class focused on mostly primary muscles (and bones)  and movement of those muscles and this focus is what I was looking for when I signed up for the class.    We also learned a good deal about general injuries and medical issues (especially lower back).   I learned a great deal (almost too much) and now have the action item to actually synthesize everything that I learned.    The class both reinforced what I already know and added to my knowledge.

The workshop  itself had about 40 people  (we were crammed in a bit too much in my opinion) and most attendees were instructors like myself.   The age range seemed to be from 22 to 70 and with a variety of experiences,  teaching styles, and teaching situations (including one woman who taught at a prison).    One woman I chatted with taught at a studio I went to in a Chattanooga, Tennessee a few times when I was working down there and we had a mutual instructor friend.    That tells you how all interconnected we are.

It was really great to be in a learning environment with so many practitioners of Yoga.   I stayed at a shared guest house owned by the center with seven other students,  walked to the training facility,  did not bring my computer,  and practiced both during class and in the morning before class (there was a Yoga room in my guest house).   I basically talked and breathed Yoga for 2 plus days.    It was wonderful.   I even had the best vegan meal ever at Plant.   Plant Restaurant.    

I think back to when I started my Yoga journey.   It is eight years in the past.    I feel that I have both traveled a great distance and taken only a few short steps.   My body is very happy for what I have done for it.    My knowledge of Yoga has just skimmed the surface.    This weekend inspired me very much and has served to increase my passion for my own practice.  It will hopefully  help me be a better teacher.  That is where my Yoga focus is mostly now.   I am inspired to learn and learn more and share what I learn.


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