Saturday, March 16, 2013


Thanks to the miracle of the modern internet  and more importantly YouTube  and the purchase of a $15 Yoga mat at the local Dunhams here in the North Hills of Pittsburgh,  I started my quest to practice Yoga with a search   "Beginning  Yoga" .   On YouTube, there were many hits but a 52 minute video entitled “Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies” stood out.  It was a very simple with a very lovely woman named Sara Ivanhoe.    She patiently showed a number of poses that became the first steps of my Yoga practice.     Somewhere in my files is a power point presentation of every pose I learned from that first video.    Sara introduced the daily dozen and they were so new to me.   A new lexicon and the first steps. 

 Yoga for Dummies

Standing forward bend
Standing Side Stretch
Downward Facing Dog
Child’s Pose
Seated Spinal Twist
Seated Forward Bend
Final Relaxation or Shavasna

I think that I practiced these for a few weeks but I also tried a second video by her.
There is a second Yoga for Dummies video that showed the ubiquitous Sun Salute or Sun Salutation.   This is the first real flow that I learned and it is something that I practice almost every day.      It also has the added benefit of Sara again.

 Between these two videos,  plus some research,  I began to get the confidence that I needed to get out of my living room and try to find a class.    I also gained the confidence and habit of practicing at home.    This became a very important part of my practice.   My practice still centers around what I do at home,  and class is supplementary and a good way to learn new poses and to get a heated class.

Here are some links for other starting classes on YouTube.

 1 Hr 12 Minute 20 Pose Beginner Class

 40 Minute Beginner Practice

20 Minute Yoga for Complete Beginners

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