Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Diet and Excercise

I am of the belief that many of the debilitating life threatening illnesses (with the possible exception of some cancers) can be traced to the diet we eat.     Two recent studies  that I have read have shown that diet has a significant impact on your health.   One was about red meat (done by Harvard University)  RED MEAT BAD!  and the second was about the Mediterranean Diet.  MED Diet Good.   When I watch what people eat ,  it amazes me what they can do to themselves without thinking of the impact of their diet on their lives.    I watch as my co-workers eat turkey club sandwiches with tons of mayonnaise  while making fun of my vegetarian  (and fairly low fat) meals that I make for myself.    As hard as I try,  I cannot make them understand the importance of diet in their lives and I watch as they get larger and larger and periodically go on some new fad diet that makes them lose 20 pounds that they will gain back 6 months later just to go on some other fad diet.     What they are missing is the fact that they need to really think about everything they put in their mouths.  This is not just limited to them but it is a product of the horrible food culture that pervades in the US .  We are living on factory killed meats,  processed foods and horrible levels of saturated fats.

Diet should be a noun,  not a verb.   People should not "diet",  they should eat a changed healthy Diet.   We all can't deny ourselves everything, but thinking about what you eat  when you eat it or are about to eat it is a great thing to do.

Eat more greens,   limit packaged foods,   stop eating red meat (stop eating all meat would be better).   Think about everything that goes into your mouth..     Getting older will be much happier without a ton of weight and food related medical problems. 

You need to both mind your Diet as well as exercise.   You are always better doing both. 

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