Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Aging today.

My back is sore this morning.     Probably from my 10.5 hour drive home on Sunday coming back visiting my kids.   I did practice in class on Monday (and felt tight them) and it was not my best class for me.   Sometimes things feel great and sometimes you just go through the motions.   Monday night was just the motions.  

Last night I planned on doing a primary Ashtanga series at home (well the parts that I can do or try to do at least) and felt a slight twinge in my lower back during one pose.  I did the best thing for myself and packed it up for the bnight.  Gonna make sure to stretch it out today.   25 years ago I would have ignored it..  Not anymore.

Tonight is a double class  (Hot Flow and then Yin) and Wednesday's are always my favorites.   2.5 hours of Yoga.. 

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