Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Easy 20 Minute Flexibility Focused Yoga Flow

After a long hike or walk,  I usually do not have the energy nor the need to do a full Yoga flow practice.  I often just practice with a simple, easy and effective approximately 20 minute flow series.    All of the  poses are accessible to the average person and I generally hold them for 10 slow breaths or about 1 minute. 

Enjoy and Namaste.
Knee to Chest: Both Sides

Half Pigeon.  Both Sides

Supine Twist.  Both Sides

Side Stretch.  Both Sides

Wide Legged Forward Fold

Wide Legged Shoulder Stretch.

Cows / Cats   10 Times

Calf Stretch. Both Sides

Down Dog.  5 Breaths

Do this with Half Split  and Lunge Twist on One Side then the Other Side.

Do this with Low Lunge and Lunge Twist on One Side then the Other Side.

Do this with Low Lunge and Half Split on One Side then the Other Side.

Do on Both Sides.

You Earned Your Savasana