Monday, May 26, 2014

Keeping fit in on the Road.

I am in Germany this week for work.    My cure for jet lag is to just walk, walk and then walk some more as I tend to tire out (and want to sleep)  if I sit down too long or stay in my hotel room.     Thanks to my Fitbit, I know that I was able to walk 11.67 miles (about 18.8 km) from when I landed until I went to bed a very exhausted 12 hours later.    I even got to practice 45 minutes of Yoga yesterday which given the pounding walking on concrete and paving stones causes for my back, is quite necessary.   I think I earned my fries with mayonnaise that I lunched on yesterday. 

Again, thanks to my Fitbit,  I am able to see that even without doing massive walking around Cologne,  my walking pace outstrips what I would normally do (without a lunch time walk) back in the US.   Walking from my hotel to the train,  then from the train station to the office and then walking out for lunch has taken me about twice as many steps  I would normally do going downstairs,  hopping into the car and then going into my office.   

It is nice to travel to a place where you can walk forever and still not see everything.   Travel in the US is so much more of staying in a suburban hotel near a strip mall where walking is an impossibility.   It is nice to have this chance.

I cannot forget my Yoga practice.   My little travel mat  (really thin and folds down to the size of a t-shirt from Giam) is really great for hotel room practice as long as their is enough space in the room.    One problem with Europe is sometimes even expensive hotels have really small rooms and you have to use their Gym to practice.  The travel mat really only works well on a soft surface like carpeting.

Finding vegetarian food is actually much easier here than in Japan or China.   Even the local canteen where we eat has a special vegetarian offering each day.    There are plenty of Thai,  Italian and Indian places to choose from.   The Donner Kabab places also all offer Felafel,  which is not too easy to find where I live.  Now I just have to resist bakeries and Gelato.  Kölsch on the other hand,  is never to be avoided..


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