Saturday, August 2, 2014

Today will be the best you will feel for the rest of your lie.

Just say you decide not to watch what you eat and do not consider adding a small amount of planned  focused exercise ,  then today will be the best you will feel for the rest of your life.  

That shortness of breath you feel walking up a couple of flights of stairs, it will only get worse.   That pain you get in your lower back when you sneeze or turn the wrong way,  it will happen quicker the next time.  Those toes you can't see past your stomach,  they will be a few inches further away in a couple of years.    That tomorrow you have been always saying you will start working out and watching what you eat is here today,  and the choice to take control of you health is only in one person's hands.

It is not too hard to start reading labels,  cutting back on fats and sugars , walking for a half an hour 3 or four times a week,  eating more fresh and less packaged foods.  Your body will appreciate it and so will your health. 


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