Friday, June 26, 2015

Perfect Practice..

I am working remotely this week and walked over to a local studio to take what was called an "All Levels" class.    When I got there, the instructor said there was an "invite only" level 2/3 going on at the same time.  She suggested I talk to the person leading the class to see if I could join but I demurred and said I was fine with taking her class.

There were five people besides myself in the class and it was by far the most basic class I have taken.     There was no flow but rather a detailed breakdown of about 10 individual Asanas.     For three or four of the poses we used folding metal chairs to control the range of movement.    On one hand, I was hoping for a flow class as I wanted to get somewhat of a workout but on the other,  the breakdown of each pose made me realize a fundamental truth about any Yoga practice.   No matter how long you have been practicing,  you can always improve even the most basic of postures.  Your practice will never be perfect but rather will continue to get better and better.     Even something as basic as Warrior 1 has many things to concentrate on.

It is always good to go back to  the basics of Yoga.  While advanced poses are challenging and fun,  the real core of  my  practice are the basic poses that I  do every day.   Continual practice on them will make my  overall practice that much better.


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