Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My General Standing Series

I do several different base flows during my home practice.     This allows me to practice in about one hour including stretches ,  Sun Salutations  (A and B) ,  Lying Series and Savasana.    The  core of this practice is my standing series.  I pretty much do the same thing every time.  I do have some experimentation days and classes always mix things up but I feel the repetition is good.

Here is my standing series.  I hold each pose for 10 long breaths (about 45 seconds).    After Warrior 2,  it can be a struggle to keep your leg bent so a quick straighten and then re-bending works.     My general flow is stretch,  5 Sun A and Sun B Salutations,  then the standing series and then a mat series for my hips followed by Savasana.  

A block is most likely necessary for the balancing series at the end. 

I  first  do this group on each side;
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Humble Warrior or Reverse Warrior
Side Angle (5 breaths)
Extended Side Angle (5 breaths)
Bound Side Angle (5 Breaths)
Warrior 2
Warrior 2

Then I do this on each side;

Then I do this on each side;

Crescent Lunge
Crescent Lunge Twist

Finally I  do this on each side  (balancing series) ;
Warrior 1 (to step into Warrior 3)
Warrior 3
Standing Split
Half Moon. 

This series has some challenges  (especially in the balancing series) and when done without a break is a good exercise flow.  Remember to keep your focus on breathing and to count your breaths. 


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