Sunday, January 8, 2017

Starting Teacher Training

On February 25,  I will begin Yoga teacher training at Schoolhouse Yoga in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.    This will be a nine month endeavor that I am sure will be more than a  challenge for me.     I am not worried so much about the Yoga itself but rather the time and effort that will be required during over the nine months.  In addition to the 180 hours of class time that I am required to attend,  there is an extensive reading list on anatomy,  breathing,  Yoga poses and Yoga philosophy and a teaching requirement.    Being focused will be critical.

Based upon the attendees at an prospective student meeting I attended,  I may be the oldest person in the training program.    I hope that I can bring a non bendy aging perspective to the program.     What I liked about the offering is that the school is not focused on teaching a set type of Yoga  but rather is focused on having a student learn their teaching style.    I am going to use my learning to help find my Yoga voice, to deepen my own practice and to give me the skills necessary to get in front of a group of people and teach them.   

From my perspective Yoga is about healing.  Body healing, mind healing, and soul healing.    When I started practicing Yoga,  I was not in the best of shape in either of these categories.  My back hurt all the time, I was inflexible,  and I was not in a good place mentally.    Yoga helped me get on a better path in life and it has improved me immensely in numerous ways..  I hope that once I am done training,  I can perhaps impart some of what I have received from my Yoga practice to others.    

I will be writing about my program over the balance of 2017.  


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