Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Advice for New Yoga Students.

Thinking of Trying Yoga? Here are some tips for you. 

Don't worry if you think you are not flexible enough. Yoga will help you with flexibility.

You get the same benefit out of Yoga as your super bendy friend. Its a personal practice.

Don't compare yourself to the person on the mat next to you. Your Yoga practice is the few square feet of your mat. You are there for the benefits to yourself.

Remember to breathe.

Honor your body.

Be present on the mat.   Leave the past and the future off the mat. 

Basic Yoga poses give you the best benefits. The hard Yoga poses are only useful on Instagram.
Get some basic pose knowledge before you venture into a public Yoga class. Look for beginner classes. There are also multitudes of beginner yoga videos on YouTube.

Pride will get you hurt. Humility will get you healthy. Practice Yoga within your comfortable and safe range of motion. The mentality of pushing it can cause injury.

You can achieve more than you think.  


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