Monday, December 11, 2017

How about a December Resolution Instead

On January 2,  the owners of Yoga studios,  fitness studios,   cross fit studio and assorted other sources of outside exercise wring their hands with glee as the masses join their emporiums to fulfill their New Year's exercise  resolution.   It's black Friday for these owners.      What they are banking on is that by February,  80% to 90% of those who signed up in January have already abandoned their fitness goal and they can just bank on the long term contracts that were so eagerly signed in January.

I am a firm believer in incrementalism.   What I mean by this is that small steps taken lead to bigger and bigger steps as time goes on.    A small success today leads to a bigger success tomorrow.    When many of us throw ourselves wholeheartedly into an exercise routine,  go to crowded classes or gyms,  see temptations of life around us, and do not get the big goals we set for ourselves quickly,  we quickly lose impetus and fall back to our old ways.   Would it not be better to make a small resolution now and build upon that? This type of goal is more obtainable than the big "This year I get into shape" goal that we put forth for ourselves.  We get small satisfactions that leads to bigger ones.  

The holidays are almost upon us.   We are now entering the time of food,  drink, more food,  more drink,  dessert, more food, and even more drink.   Would it better  cut back a little on the excess of the season?  Try not to have two desserts or that piece of candy (or two) in the break room at work.  It would be good to a long walk around your park or your neighborhood.    A winter walk is a beauty all of its own and not many take advantage of it.    A few walks may lead to a regular walking routine,  and walking sure is nicer and a lot less money than a gym membership.   You can build a lot from just walking.    The time to start is today, not on January 2.

For those of us whose resolution is to start a Yoga practice,  I suggest just going to one class each week between today and the New Years and then perhaps adding a class or two each month after that.   Yoga is challenging and your body needs time to work into it.  Your muscles will be doing things that they have not done for a long time or maybe have never done.    A six month or one year membership may be too much to start.    Perhaps just buying a 10 pack of classes would be a great start and incentive enough to practice.     Just starting is the key, and making it to class is the goal. 

Ho Ho Ho and Namaste.

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