Thursday, August 29, 2013

Progress / Milestones / Headstand!!

One of my instructors went through the detailed steps on how to do a handstand.    She said it took her about a month of practice to get up (though against the wall).   Prior to this, I was trying haphazardly and very rarely but after a concerted effort of a couple of weeks,  I was able to get up on my hands last night.    This is the first time in my life  (I never did this as a kid) that I was able to go into a handstand.    I am still leaning my feet against the wall but damn,  it still felt good. 

It only took 2 years....  


Monday, August 19, 2013

Took a few days off. Felt good

I was feeling sore and unmotivated so I took a few days off.   It really helps sometimes.   It helps to remember that I am not 30 anymore and I cannot push myself to far.

Sometimes,  I also wonder why it is easier to drive 15 minutes to the studio than to practice at home.   I guess that goes with discipline, self drive and procrastination.  I will finish this tomorrow..   LOL. 


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why it is good to take classes

Most of my yoga practice is at home as I generally only go to 2 or 3 classes a week in my studio.  I do this for a few reasons,  the main one being that I can control the nature of my practice and I am not at the whim of what the yoga instructor wants to do that day.  

Some instructors are better than others in the teaching environment and I find that their classes are less of a physical work out than the instructors who follow pretty much the same flow from week to week.   I like to go to the flow classes because of the physical nature of those classes but I do take one class each week that is less of a strict flow type of class.

Last night (in a hot class),  our instructor took the time to show us the best way to get into a head stand.   In my two years of practicing,  no one had taken the time to break down the different steps to get into the pose.    I had always assumed that you push both legs up and I was never able to even get close.  The way she described it was very different  (one leg at a time)  and while I was not able to get up and stay,  I was able to bring both legs up to the wall and over my head(we were against a wall) which was more than I had ever done before.      I assume with a few months of practice,  I should be able to accomplish this. 

In hindsight I could have tried this on YouTube  (I am sure there are a pile of how to do headstand videos)  but I thought I was doing it correctly.    Guess I was wrong.

So there is value in instructors who take the time to teach....  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The lure of the Indian Buffet

There is an Indian Buffet near me that is only $7.99 and has more veggie items than meat items so there is a ton of food to choose from.   I try not to eat too much but it tastes so good.   Some of the items are deep fried,  most probably have Ghee in them   (clarified butter)  and some I know must have cream in them so I am sure that I got my fill of fat today..    We all can't be prefect on the diet front and with the Lentils that I ate  (Dal), the Paneer  (cheese)  etc.  I got a great amount of protein.  

They had some vegetables but all were in a sauce with the exception of a great cabbage dish  (they they always seem to have).    

They did have these deep fried balls of lentil flour,  spices and sliced raw chilies.   Tasty and spicy.

Such things in moderation are great, and I probably won't go back for 2 months. 

I resisted going back for a third plate and any dessert but even with that I am full.