Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why it is good to take classes

Most of my yoga practice is at home as I generally only go to 2 or 3 classes a week in my studio.  I do this for a few reasons,  the main one being that I can control the nature of my practice and I am not at the whim of what the yoga instructor wants to do that day.  

Some instructors are better than others in the teaching environment and I find that their classes are less of a physical work out than the instructors who follow pretty much the same flow from week to week.   I like to go to the flow classes because of the physical nature of those classes but I do take one class each week that is less of a strict flow type of class.

Last night (in a hot class),  our instructor took the time to show us the best way to get into a head stand.   In my two years of practicing,  no one had taken the time to break down the different steps to get into the pose.    I had always assumed that you push both legs up and I was never able to even get close.  The way she described it was very different  (one leg at a time)  and while I was not able to get up and stay,  I was able to bring both legs up to the wall and over my head(we were against a wall) which was more than I had ever done before.      I assume with a few months of practice,  I should be able to accomplish this. 

In hindsight I could have tried this on YouTube  (I am sure there are a pile of how to do headstand videos)  but I thought I was doing it correctly.    Guess I was wrong.

So there is value in instructors who take the time to teach....  

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