Sunday, March 16, 2014

First Anniversary Post

One year and 80 posts later.   I am 53 as of yesterday..  Sometimes the muse is not there (it has been four weeks since my last post) and sometimes she is running through my head so much that I have to post two times a day. 

I still hope that I can connect with at least one person who will say to themselves,  I can get healthy. and I can change my life..   That was my goal when I started writing this blog and that is still my goal.   As we age,  the best way to enjoy our lives is to work as hard as we can to make sure our bodies are in shape for that aging.   This means diet and exercise over the long term.   It means a conscious attention to what you eat and how it effects you.     It means a commitment to health and not taking short cuts of diet shakes and quick idiotic diets like Atkins.   it means taking your dog for daily 1/2 walks,  or practicing Yoga a few times a week, or riding your bike or swimming.  It means turning off the computer or TV and getting out the door.    It also means throwing out the cakes and potato chips that fill your food pantry and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables each and every day.    

I read an article in USA today that said we will gain one pound a year as we age.  Most, of not all of this weight gain is due to diet and lack of exercise.     As we age past 60,  however,  the average weight of both males and females decrease slowly.   This weight decrease is due to higher mortality rates among people who weigh the most. 

So, you have to ask yourself dear reader  (I love saying dear reader) ,  do you want to increase your chances of having a longer life and keeping that life happier by having a healthier, thinner body that will allow you to enjoy that life.    It is really your choice,  and the best time to start is today.


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