Wednesday, November 26, 2014

99% Practice....

On Sunday,  I did a bonehead move and left my mat in the studio.  I was not sure if I left it in the parking lot so I drove back and, sure enough,  there it was in the closed studio by the sign-in desk.   It was soon relegated to the corner of shame with the other items left behind by fellow Yogis.

I practiced for  two nights with my original cheap mat that I paid probably $15 dollars for (I spent  about $90 for my Manduka mat) before I could get it back.    During those two two sessions.  I really did not see any real difference in my practice with the exception of the fact the mat moved a bit more than my newer one  (which weights 7 pound vs. the 1 or 2 pound the old mat weighs) and balancing was harder due to my carpet and the lightness of the old mat.  Both practices were fine and enjoyable.

What this tells me is that it is not the equipment but rather the Practice that is important.  As  Sri K. Pattabhi Jois says  "99 percent practice 1 percent theory".  

Namaste and a Happy turkey free Thanksgiving..

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