Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lots of work stress lately.

I am in the middle of one of the most difficult and time consuming work projects I have ever been on.   I have basically been working 12 hours days and many weekends since the middle of September.   As a result,  my ability to make 6:15 PM classes is quite limited.   It is at these times I am happy that I have developed a home practice and that I have a dedicated room in my house where I can go away and practice in.    I sure do miss going to class  (especially hot ones) but I am trying hard not to let it interfere too much with my practice. 

Coming home late and hungry makes it an extra effort to heat up my Yoga room and get my mind ready for my practice.   Having a dog who demands attention and likes long walks when I come home make this doubly hard.    Once I am on my mat, however, I can feel the stress leaving my mind and body on my first Mountain Pose.   For that alone making the effort is worth it.    What I have realized is that a full practice may not be possible and that even a partial one is better than none.    What I cannot do is say I am too tired and too hungry to practice.   Yoga is too important to my mind and body not to practice..


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