Thursday, June 6, 2013

Who moved my cheese... The substitute Yoga teacher..

I always look forward to my Monday evening class.    It is probably my favorite class at my studio.  It is an extended on 1 hour and 15 minutes and with the 20 minutes or so of warmup that I do,  I get a good 1.5 hour practice session in.  

The teacher generally follows the same pattern  (though the flow and class is not 100% the same from week to week) that involves a large number of Sun Salutations,  a great strenuous standing sequence,  a balance,   a challenge pose  (warrior 3 or half moon), a hip stretch, and then a sitting sequence with challenges like table top and plow.    The class is somewhat warm  80 - 85 degrees but not hot.  (90+) 

When I first took the class,  it was very hard but over time as I got stronger and more flexible and knew what to expect,  I really enjoyed going and felt that it was a great part of my practice.

The instructor,however,  had the unmitigated gall to take June and July off so starting yesterday we had a substitute instructor.      I had taken a few classes from her before and while I thought she was OK,  I was not sure how things would be.    Prior to the start of the class,  a few of us were wondering what to expect.   Most of us really liked the current teacher and her class.

I won't go into the details of what new instructor went through except to say that she was more than adequate and in some ways the class was more intense.    I will be looking forward to my old instructor returning but for now,  I guess I can deal with the moved cheese.

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