Thursday, July 25, 2013

Missed Class - My Fault

I had to get my hair cut  (hence I needed a "haircut",  never thought of that twist of the English language before),  so I piled my Yoga clothes,  mat, towel etc. into my car to get it done before class as I planned on changing in the studio. 

I drove the 15 minutes after my haircut to the studio and realized that I did not bring my shorts  (they were where my pre-piled stuff were).  So there is a missed class,  a wasted 1/2 an hour driving back and forth  and a disincentive to practice as I was on a time crunch  for the evening.   I did do a quick 40 minute practice  (basically my core, warm up and sun salutation sequence) but it was not what I wanted.   I really wanted to go to class (I had been away for nearly a month).    

If I was a women,  there would have been about 50 pairs of yoga pants to choose from to buy from the studio.   They have zero clothes for men there..    I should sue them for discrimination..   :)

Lesson learned:  Make sure you have everything before you drive away..


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