Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vegan Muffins

 Yummy,  low fat..  Easy to make.   Can also use the mix for pancakes by adding a little more soy milk.

Low fat, low sugar 1/2 whole wheat muffins. 

1 cup Whole Wheat flour
1 cup White flour
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/8 cup sliced almonds
2 tsp poppy seeds
2 cups soy or almond milk   (regular milk if non-vegan)
2/3 to 1  cup apple sauce  (2 of the small portion cups)
2.5 tsp baking powder
Cooking spray or muffin cups

Pre-heat Oven to 425

Mix dry ingredients and cranberry with whisk  (do not add in almonds)
Add in Milk and Apple Sauce and mix again
Spray Muffin pan with cooking spray (or use muffin cups)
Put mixture in muffin pan
Sprinkle Almonds on top

Bake 17 minutes

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