Saturday, October 5, 2013

Yoga vs. Pilates Discussion / Article.

Interesting article below.      The comments were really good and many found fault with the article itself.  I got more out the comments than the article itself.   What I get out of the discussion is that both are really good for you and each has its salient strengths.    I personally have never taken a Pilates class but I do believe that core strength is very important in reducing back injuries.

Some salient points.   Though I am not sure that "bulking up" is a good term. 

"In a small but well-designed study last year, nine sedentary women who completed 36 weeks of supervised Pilates training bulked up their abdominal muscles by as much as 20 percent, while also lessening any existing muscular imbalances there. "

I thought this was interesting.   I love doing at least 10 sun salutations during my home practice sessions.      I wonder if this also includes older men and women.

"A telling 2011 study published in the Asian Journal of Sports Medicine found that after six months of almost-daily sun salutations (a multi-part yoga pose) and no other resistance training, young men and women could bench-press significantly more weight and complete far more push-ups and pull-ups than at the start of the study."

The article itself.

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