Friday, November 22, 2013

Good to see new people in class / Facebook Post by an old friend.

My current home studio expanded to a second site that is only 5 (really) minutes from me.   This makes going back and forth much easier  (versus 15 minutes for the original one).  While I like the Karma of the first studio much more and many of the teachers I liked are still in the first studio, it is nice to not have an excuse to drive over if I do not plan on practicing at home.

Over the last week,  there has been 4 people in the three classes I took who were new to Yoga.   For two of them,  it was their first class.   This kind of makes it hard on the teacher (and they tend to hold back on the class is my observation), but it is good to see people getting out and trying.    One woman I saw two days later and she came out of the class (I was going in) smiling and happy.   She said she had a great class.  That is a good sign.   I hope she sticks with it.  

I posted this blog on facebook.  One of the comments was as follows ;

"Looks like so much fun - not! Was considering it but you just put me off it."

There is no doubt that a solid Yoga practice is hard work.    You sweat, you strain, you are uncomfortable,  you are sore the next day.    The results of strength, flexibility, stamina and good feelings are worth it.    Once you are past the first trials of learning about Yoga,  the basic asanas ,  breathing and learning your own strengths and limitations,  it is a wonderful thing.      You do not have to be 100 pounds an an ex gymnast.      You have to be committed to improving yourself as the practice is within yourself.  

Well good day and Namaste.

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