Saturday, January 25, 2014

The American Breakfast -- Start of a bad eating day or a good eating day.

I stayed at a chain motel last night that offered a buffet breakfast in the morning.     Here is what was offered.

Sausage Patties
Scrambled "Eggs" that looked like they were premade
Hard Boiled Eggs - most likely packaged
Make your own waffles from a mix and using a waffle maker to cook them.
White English Muffins
White Bread Slices
Lenders Like Plain and Cinnamon Raisin Bagels
Whole Wheat Bread Slices
Yogurt  (non were plain and they  either had sugar or artificial sweetener)
Assorted Danishes and Pastries
Fruit Drink
Fruit Loops,  Unidentifiable sugared Cereal,   Wheaties.
Cream Cheese,  Butter, Margarine,  Peanut Butter,  Jelly
Instant oatmeal   (plain that may have had sugar,   brown sugar and maple,  apple cinnamon)

Most people went right to either the eggs and bacon or used the waffle maker  (the kind that you flip and it makes a big waffle that you eat with "syrup").    A few people were just eating the pastries and danishes.

What you can get from this,  its that most of the food consumed,  was high in fat,  had some sort of sugar content  (even the Peanut Butter had sugar) ,  and was generally carbohydrate laden.   The sausages should have been called "Death Pucks" due to all the fat and chemicals and nitrates in them.
 Overall,   if one as not careful,  it would be very easy to build a filling but not very healthy breakfast.     I can easily see eating many calories with lots of grams of fat and sugar based carbohydrates.    Protein content was fine,  but the amount of calories to get that protein was too much. 

It was very hard to pick and choose your foods if you are trying to eat "healthy".   I am sure even the whole wheat bread had some sweetener in it.    

Changing diet habits means starting your day with a good and healthy , low fat breakfast.   I try to include at least 2 fruits which is usually a banana and some sort of berry,   soy milk,   orange juice,  and some sort of whole grain bread with either peanut butter or Marmite (a yeast extract high in vitamins but also high in sodium).   I also eat unsweetened "overnight" oatmeal or high protein cereals.   As much as possible,  I try to keep the sugar content of the prepared foods (cereal and bread) to a minimum.    My sugars come from the fruit I eat and from the OJ.    

You have to ask yourself,  are you better off with what I eat or with 4 slices of bacon and  2 eggs on white toast.       It is not easy making the switch.    Bacon and eggs are what we were mostly raised on,  and removing it is not an easy proposition.   It tastes good,   fills a physical hunger satiation need and has fat that fills a food satiation that we were raised to enjoy.   To give it up is to make a sacrifice at first.  

Try to think about what is going into your mouth in the morning.   Is it filled with fats,  chemicals like nitrates and processed refined sugars and too many calories?     All three of these taste good but they are lying to your body.     You body needs protein,  carbohydrates,  fats and minerals.   There are many lower calorie and healthier alternatives to get these essential ingredients to life.    Your choice in the morning means a good breakfast for you or a bad breakfast for you.   It is really your decision.

Eat to live.  

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