Monday, January 6, 2014

Zucchini Ratatouille Recipe with Tofu

Great tasting,  protein filled,  low calorie.     It has a nice slightly liquid consistency that goes great on top of grains. 

Tofu can be replaced by something  else if you need to have a dead animal in  your food.

Serves 2 Adults,  2 Kids.

2 Medium Onions
4 Medium tomatoes
2 Zucchinis
6 Cloves Garlic
Crushed Red Pepper to Taste
Salt to Taste
1/4 cup red wine
Olive Oil
8 Oz. Tofu

Slice all veggies.
Use normal saute pan to cook in.   

Cook garlic in olive oil until slightly brown
Add onions and cook until slightly translucent
Add in tomatoes , salt and crushed red pepper and cook for 5 minutes
Add in Zucchini,  cook until almost soft
Add in Red wine and tofu and cook 3 more minutes

Serve with Quinoa,  Rice,  Cous Cous etc.

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