Monday, April 7, 2014

Savasana - My most difficult Yoga Asana

At the end of a practice,  the standard way to end  is to practice an asana called Savasana (Corpse Pose) where your body is fully relaxed,  your breath is even and quiet,  and your thoughts are focused on your breath or on how your body feels.   I find this the most difficult pose during a class  and, many times,  I skip it at home even though I won't skip any of the more physically challenging asanas.     This pose really requires you to clear your mind of outside thoughts  and concentrate on your breath or body and I find it difficult to  quiet that inner voice for more than a short time.   I constantly find thoughts coming in and if I am not too careful,  I may start thinking about what's for dinner or work.   I also , at times,   find myself drifting off to sleep and while that is relaxing,  it is not the goal of Savasana.   It is a struggle to push away those thoughts and to remain fully relaxed.

I have worked  hard to master that mini me in my head during this very important time in a practice.   This is the time to reflect on your body and to absorb the work that you have done to it and to also relax the mind and to come out of the practice feeling refreshed and relaxed.     I have much to learn still.


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