Saturday, May 18, 2013

Back home and happy to have space and my real mat to practice with.

After spending 3 weeks traveling,  I am happy to be home to my real mat and the ability to have some direct control over my diet.   This was my first trip to Korea,  China and Japan (in that order) and while the experience was really great,   I did have issues both with eating and with practicing regularly.    Japan especially was a challenge to maintain a Vegetarian diet and I was never really sure if what I was eating contained bonito flakes or not.    I just had to go with the flow and deal with it.      Practice was hard with jet lag,  work schedule and small rooms but I was able to get in some good though not great sessions.     I also did a ton of walking,  and because of this,  a good amount of my focus was on restorative Yin sessions.

Now that I am back home  (and was asleep at 7:30 last night and up at 5:30 this morning), I have to get back into a good routine with jet lag once again.  At least I have my kitchen and the foods that I love to cook and eat. 

I am tempted to take the Yoga 2 class this morning but I think my brain will win over my heart and I will take an easier class and may double up with two classes if I am up to it. .   My mental equilibrium is not just there yet for a vigorous tough class and 16 hours in planes has made my back very tight.

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