Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Getting Back in the Routine is very important.

Sometimes my travel and life schedule really kills my time to practice.  I was as up in Maine this past weekend and I was only able to get to practice 2 out of the five weekend days because of the time it takes to travel  back and forth (10-11 hour drive).   My two practices were very rigorous but missing 3 days is tough.

Now that I am home and off of jet lag,  getting back to my home practice and my studio practice has to be a priority.    When you have a period when you get out of your routine,  I think this is when people have the tendency to step away from their practice.   It is critical to pick up the routine from where you left off.  It is also important to remember  (and for me it was a 3 week interruption to my routine),  that you may have taken a step back on the physical side of your practice  (but hopefully not the emotional side) and it may take a few weeks for you to feel that you are back in the same form as when you started.

So in a nutshell  (where did this term come from?) ,  a routine is critical,  breaks from routine can be dangerous to your practice and thus is is very important to resettle on either your old routine or an adjusted one.

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