Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2 days in travel. 2 days of practice

25 hours of traveling and my back was very tight.   I got to my hotel at 9:00PM  (Seoul time) or about 8:00 AM Pittsburgh time and did my normal warm up,  my core work and a Yin session.  It felt good to stretch my hips and lower back.     Spent the next day walking about the city (probably 5 miles of walking) and then did my normal Ashtanga flow.    Walking sure tightens the lower back and it was not the best practice session but at least I found the energy to practice.   Doing a complete forward fold flattening my hands on the floor was not going to happen. (not that it ever does but it was impossible)     After practicing on my regular mat  (Manduka Black Pro mat),   the travel Mat sure felt flimsy.     

Vegetarian food is hard to find especially when I cannot read Korean (though there are pictures of food in most places).    My hotel has a great Western/Asian buffet for breakfast so that was great.  I found a curry place next to my hotel so I was able to eat veggie curry there.   Getting protein will be hard.    Finding hogs blood in my food will be easy.

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