Friday, April 12, 2013

Older Exercise

When I lived in Switzerland,  I used to take very long hikes in the hills near Zurich.    The whole country is crisscrossed with marked hiking trails  that tell you the time to the next town or the next mountain top etc.    I met up with an older gentleman who proceeded to hike up a very steep trail with me.   We engaged in a lively conversation in a mixture of English and German and I had a real nice chat with him.   This man was 73 years old and he was hiking the same trail that  I was.  He was the same age as my father was at the time and he was easily keeping up with me (or was I keeping up with him) It is a culture where exercise is really stressed.   The diet much more vegetable friendly and packaged food unfriendly than ours is here in the states.  

So in a nutshell,  I hope to be able to conquer mountains at 73.     Just keep focused, keeping eating right and keep exercising.

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