Thursday, April 18, 2013

Another great double class combination (Heated Flow and Yin)

Had another double class again last night.    The heated flow was very strength oriented with lots of side planks and dolphin pushups.    The Yin class was real great and the hour was gone in a flash.    With the two classes plus my usual warm up,  I practiced close to three hours last night. 

Both Dolphin and Side Plank are real strength poses.   Side Plank stresses both the shoulder plus your core and the intensity can be increased by raising your upper hand and leg.   A good 10 breaths for Side Plank.

With Dolphin,  it is like Down Dog except that your forearms are on the ground.   You then can pull yourself forward over your arms (your nose almost touches the floor) and back.  It is a real workout for your shoulders as well.

In the Yin class we did a great spinal twist that really worked on the lower spine and Psoas.   You raise your hip and legs up on a bolster and then twist in the opposite direction.   3 minutes in that pose feels really great.    It is called "Our favorite twist"


Side Plank

Side Plank with raised arms and legs

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