Monday, April 15, 2013

No real excuse not to practice.

Drove my girls up to Maine on Saturday and then I came back last night.   1500 miles in 2 days.  No time to practice. Got in late last night  (2AM) and went to work on time this morning.   I did, however,  go to the Monday night class in the studio.    I felt pretty good considering how tired I was.   You have practice even if you are not in the mood.  One day leads to two which leads to a week etc.

My studio had this 30 classes in 30 day challenge in March and the classes were so full that no laying down twists could happen because the mats were too close together.  3 weeks ago, there were 25 people in the class.  The last two weeks there were 3.   I prefer somewhere in the middle but it is nice to have the space.

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