Friday, April 12, 2013

Yoga Milestones

Well.  Over the past month or so,  I am now able to move into Plow position  (Halasana).    This was a big milestone for me.   About a year ago,  I pulled a back muscle trying this early in the morning before stretching out  (dumb me) and I have been fearful for a long time to go back into the pose.     To get comfortable with the pose,  I would move to a wall and slide my feet down so I would not stretch myself too much.   Here I am in the pose.   I think I can have a straighter back but for now,  putting my toes on the ground is great.    I still do it very slowly and do fear going down too fast but I now know I can do it. 

One thing you can do from this pose is to move into Deaf Man's Pose  (Karnapidasana).
I am still a bit tight and hesitant to go all the way down but again,  I feel progress in the pose.

So, with perseverance, practice,  time and overcoming fear,   great milestones can be achieved.

Thanks to my daughter for taking the photos.   Every five minutes or so she would come in during my Yin sequence and take photos of me.

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